The Power of the Mind

IMG_0426[1]I am frequently stunned by the ability of individuals to use their minds to overcome longstanding problems. One woman I interviewed as a participant in a research project was experiencing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder due to having lived in domestic violence. I asked her to describe the inkblots in the Rorschach Test (yes, they really are inkblots) and she gave responses typical of a battering victim. However, on the fourth blot, she pointed to a small shadowed area near the bottom of the card. “There.” she said, “That’s the Warrior Princess. I can’t believe she’s on there. That’s me. That’s what I could be. I can be strong like her.” The woman stood up straighter, her voice stronger, her presence more powerful.

Now, if I squinted and held the card just right, I could almost see what she was indicating. But I was there only as a catalyst. What mattered was that she could see that blotch of dark and light as a symbol of her potential. It was the start of a journey that led her out of abuse and into a satisfying life.