During my 16+ years as a psychologist, I have attended countless classes, a multitude of lectures, and many conferences. I learned much. However, I have learned at least as much, and probably more, from the flashes of insight, words of wisdom, and extraordinary coping strengths of my clients, friends and family members. These real-life skills are what I find myself turning to time and again in the therapy room as well as in my own life.
I have always seen the psychotherapy process as a journey undertaken by therapist and client together. The therapist is not a guru with all the answers, but a fellow seeker of solutions. We walk the path together to see where it leads and what we learn along the way.
What I’ve learned is too good not to share. So, without compromising the identity or breaking the confidentiality of those I’ve worked with, on these pages, I’ll share the best of what has come my way.