I have started a sister blog to this site (pen-and-inkblot.com) that combines my interests in psychology with creative writing. Since many, if not most, novels and memoirs contain elements of psychology, I think this will be a good marriage. Check out the new blog and see if you agree.
My post there on the nature of change was inspired by the leaps made by some of the clients I’ve worked with. I recall one young woman who seemed to have everything against her. She had severe health problems that kept her confined to her home, she was very obese, she was depressed and highly anxious, and she smoked heavily. And she despised all those things about herself.
I suggested we tackle one problem at a time, but she wanted to change everything. By the third session, we had found the perfect strategy to help her focus her efforts. By the fourth session, two weeks later, she had stopped smoking, she was walking 2 1/2 miles a day, her physical symptoms had abated, she had started attending church, and she had begun losing weight. She hated her situation so much that, when she found the right cognitive strategies, she used them as a springboard toward change.
One important strategy she used was seeing each healthy choice as a gift to herself rather than a punishment or deprivation. It isn’t a magic bullet. It won’t work for everyone, but it was great for her. Each of us will have to find the tool that fits us well.
Any feedback on this blog or the new one will be appreciated.